Pres­i­dent Mai­thri­pa­la Sir­i­se­na cer­e­mo­ni­al­ly de­clared open the South­ern cam­pus of the Gen­er­al Sir John Ko­te­la­wa­la De­fence Uni­ver­si­ty (KDU) at Soor­iya­we­wa, on Tues­day. The cam­pus will be dedi­ca­ted to pro­mote En­vi­ron­men­tal, Spa­tial Sci­en­ces and In­for­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy re­la­ted stud­ies. The cam­pus lo­ca­ted in a 140-acre plot is based on the green con­cept, pre­serv­ing the nat­u­ral en­vi­ron­ment of [...]


President Sirisena declares open KDU Southern campus in Sooriyawewa


Pres­i­dent Mai­thri­pa­la Sir­i­se­na cer­e­mo­ni­al­ly de­clared open the South­ern cam­pus of the Gen­er­al Sir John Ko­te­la­wa­la De­fence Uni­ver­si­ty (KDU) at Soor­iya­we­wa, on Tues­day.

The cam­pus will be dedi­ca­ted to pro­mote En­vi­ron­men­tal, Spa­tial Sci­en­ces and In­for­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy re­la­ted stud­ies. The cam­pus lo­ca­ted in a 140-acre plot is based on the green con­cept, pre­serv­ing the nat­u­ral en­vi­ron­ment of the area, the KDU said.
The Cam­pus is re­spon­si­ble for train­ing and grad­u­at­ing mili­ta­ry as well as civ­il stu­dents.

The cour­ses will be con­duc­ted by ex­pe­ri­enced aca­dem­ics and pro­fes­sio­nals in the re­spec­tive field, the KDU said.
The KDU South­ern cam­pus will bring the coun­try one step clos­er to be­com­ing the re­gion­al Ed­u­ca­tion hub, the KDU add­ed.

State Min­is­ter of De­fence- Ru­wan Wi­je­war­dene, the Uva Prov­ince Gov­er­nor, De­fence Sec­re­ta­ry- B.M.U.D. Bas­nayake, Chief of De­fence Staff- Gen­er­al Ja­gath Jaya­sur­iya, Ar­my Command­er- Lt Gen­er­al Krish­an­tha De Sil­va, Na­vy Command­er- Vice Ad­mi­ral Jayan­tha Per­era, Air Force Command­er- Air Mar­shal Ko­li­tha Gu­na­thi­lake, KDU Chan­cel­lor- Gen­er­al Ro­han Da­lu­wat­ta, KDU Vice Chan­cel­lor- Maj. Gen­er­al Mil­in­da Pei­ris at­ten­ded the cer­e­mo­ny.

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