Avurudu celebrations

Marjorie De Alwis International Kindergarten Avurudu celebrations were held on April 7, 2015.
Spreading Stories

It was a rainy day and Dog had nothing to do. He stared out the window, feeling bored. He thought of calling someone. So he dialled Squirrel’s number. “Hello!” said Squirrel. “Hello Squirrel, I felt kind of bored, so I thought of calling you!” said Dog. “Can I call you later? I am kind of [...]
Rasika Orchid Nursery — a great success

To be a Junior Reporter has been a ‘Dream come true’ for me. Rasika, a teenager, explained to me how she commenced a nursery of rare orchid flowers as a hobby, in March 2011 by the name of Rasika Nurseries. Her friends and relatives extended their fullest assistance and encouragement in making this project a reality. [...]
Kids World
My first impressions of Indian Food On Saturday April 18, my mother, father, Loku thathi, Loku ammi, Thilee my cousin brother and myself, went for dinner at an Indian restaurant called Lemon Grass. Well… At first I didn’t feel like going but on second thought I was a bit hungry so I went anyway. After [...]