Cardiac imaging, the multi-tasker at work

A pain in the chest sends men or women rushing to the nearest hospital, for chest pain and heart attacks are synonymous. Whereas earlier the reaction in hospitals would be to suspect ischaemic heart disease, an angiogram would be performed to check out whether the chest-pain sufferer is having coronary artery disease. This would be [...]
Undergoing a colonoscopy? Here’s what you’ve got to know
A colonoscopy is an examination of the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract, called the colon or large intestine (bowel). Colonoscopy is a safe procedure that provides information other tests may not be able to give. Patients who require colonoscopy often have questions and concerns about the procedure. Colonoscopy is performed by an endoscopist, who [...]
Sneeze, sneeze; itch, itch: Try a yoghurt
If you’re struggling with the usual sneezing and itchy eyes this time of year, try eating yoghurt. Probiotics, the friendly bacteria found in yoghurt, can ease hay fever, according to research. The findings are based on a new analysis of 23 studies involving more than 1,900 people. Doctors at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine said [...]
Denying mental disorder, demonising psychiatric drugs
Browsing through Facebook, I came across a link posted by a friend. It was an article published in the TIME online magazine titled The ADHD Fallacy: It’s Time to Stop Treating Childhood as a Disease. Written by a psychologist, the article is based on her book A Disease Called Childhood: Why ADHD Became an American [...]
Soaring short-sightedness among 20-year-olds

Do you struggle to see the TV from the sofa, or find yourself not being able to recognise someone from across the street? You’re not alone, as soaring numbers of young people are suffering from short-sightedness, a study has found. The condition, known as myopia, is rising, and is now nearly twice as common in [...]
Battling HAI: Where special attention is needed

In the second and final part of ‘Infection control and prevention in health care settings’ which aims to reduce the transmission and acquisition of hospital-acquired infections (HAI), Consultant Microbiologist Dr. Kushlani Jayatilleke attached to the Sri Jayewardenepura Hospital picks out special areas for greater precautions She reiterates the responsibilities of the Infection Control Teams in [...]
Lose weight the fruity way

Contrary to popular opinion, not all fruit is created equal. While some fruits, when eaten in excess, contain high levels of natural sugar, there are others which, when consumed in the right amounts, can aid weight loss. Papaya, for instance, contains an enzyme called papaine which promotes the faster transit of food through the gut, [...]
Goat milk less likely to cause allergies

The substances in milk provide both energy and the building materials necessary for growth. The best nutritional option for newborn infants is mother’s milk. However some infants may not be exclusively breast-fed during the first months of life. In that case, another substitute must be available. Cow’s milk contain more than 25 different proteins, but [...]
A child’s best friend is a pet

Aside from budgies, parrots and mynah birds, there are few pets that can answer back. But that doesn’t stop children talking to them. In fact, a study shows that youngsters are more likely to confide in animals, such as cats and dogs, than their own brothers and sisters. Researchers at Cambridge University found youngsters preferred [...]