Mirror Magazine
Tales of a ‘Survivor’

Natalie Anderson, raised in Sri Lanka was named the ultimate ‘Survivor’ in the show’s season finale last year and walked away with the grand prize of US$1 million. In an exclusive email interview she tells the Mirror Magazine about her experience What was it like to win Survivor? What do you think were the big [...]
Deanna School of Dance gears up for ‘Peter and the Wolf’

The future stars at the Deanna School of Dance are to stage a world renowned ballet “Peter and the Wolf” later on this month. “This is our junior school production,” Principal, Natasha Jayasuriya tells us. Ideal for the younger performers, the ballet comes with a running narrative voice, “so they can relate to and understand [...]
Of sweetness and spice

The beauty of a cinnamon roll is in its soft, flaky dough, the fine cinnamon powder incorporated into its depths and the sticky sweet glazing on top. Who knew that Sri Lanka’s legendary spice export would become immensely popular in the form of a Western classic that took its own time making it to the [...]