Fishing ‘war’ in Negombo
Banned: In what is being described as a ‘war’, fishermen from other areas are prohibited from drying their catch on Negombo beaches
A ‘war’ among fishermen is sure to dent Negombo’s reputation as the ‘Fishing Capital’ of the Western Province. The rot began to set in with villagers prohibiting fish caught in other areas from being dried on Negombo beaches. Following this ban, only fisherman from Negombo are now allowed to dry their salted fish on these beaches.
Overnight, yards and yards of silver fish glistening on the yellow beaches vanished and the Negombo beaches became desolate and empty. Following the ban, the seas off Negombo began yielding a very poor harvest: mostly sprats and small fry, and these, too, in highly negligible numbers.
To top things off, a considerable amount of the fish caught by each fisherman now comprises junk and waste material such as polythene and plastic- testimony to growing pollution in the area. Disappointed faces, empty nets, modest catches peppered generously with plastic and debris: these seem to be this season’s fare.

Seasons fare: Disappointed faces, empty nets and modest catches (above and below)

Poor harvest: Following the ban, the seas off Negombo began yielding only sprats and small fry in very small numbers

'Fishing Capital': Negombo is known for seafood