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Influenza: Pregnant mums take care
It is just the flu. This bug that most people are able to ward off in a couple of days with lots of liquids, spending time in bed and may be swallowing paracetamol eight-hourly, could act drastically differently in those expecting babies. Reiterating that catching influenza while being pregnant is not abnormal, Consultant Virologist Dr. [...]
For a brighter smile
The beauty of a smile is enhanced by a set of perfect teeth. However, not everyone is able to protect his/her teeth from harm and it is at this point that men, women and children have to turn to ‘Restorative dentistry’. Restorative dentistry is the study, diagnosis and integrated management of diseases of the teeth [...]
Teeth under attack from ‘healthy’ snacks
Teeth are under attack from a growing problem: it’s acid erosion and it occurs when the enamel – the hard, protective coating of the tooth – is worn away, leading to sensitivity and pain. It is responsible for 80 per cent of problems such as cavities and yellowing, and food and drink with a high [...]
Half a handful of nuts a day
Snacking on just half a handful of nuts a day can cut the risk of dying from a string of major diseases, a new study reveals. Researchers found that eating at least 10g of nuts or peanuts per day led to a lower risk of dying from respiratory disease, such as asthma and emphysema, and [...]
What makes a happy family?
“All happy families are alike; Each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way”. Leo Tolstoy – Anna Karenina In 1994, John Cleese, television personality and comedian and Robin Skynner, a psychiatrist and family therapist, published their book, Life and How to Live It. It was a sequel to their best seller, Families and How [...]
Lung cancer: Smoking the biggest threat
Consultant Thoracic Surgeon Dr. Waruna Karunaratne explains the importance of seeking treatment early Lung cancer, which is known to be the No.1 killer in the world, is less well known and less well understood in Sri Lanka. There are many misconceptions about lung cancer among patients as well as many medical professionals. The lack of [...]
Stroke: Recovering with virtual reality
Virtual reality could help stroke patients recover by “tricking” them into thinking their affected limb is more accurate than it really is. Researchers in Spain found that making the affected limb appear more effective on screen increased the chance the patient would use it in real life. This is important because stroke victims often underuse [...]
Basic prevention
Prevention of infection is always better and some basic precautions could ensure this. “Influenza is not highly contagious. It is mainly spread through droplets or direct contact. The infection period is 1 to 4 days,” says Dr. Jayamaha, adding that infected droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are up to about [...]
Coping as a country with birth defects
Nature is neither divine nor perfect. From time to time its creations are flawed. Such defects have aroused curiosity throughout human history. The earliest methodical recordings of birth defects (BDs) were made by the astrologers of ancient Babylon who wrote about the birth of monsters. Subsequent reports of historical evidence of birth defects are found [...]
Time for readjustment not retirement
Retirement can be the beginning of a new life – a new birth gearing one to new activity. “I became a resurrected person after my retirement and have been living as a new man ever since,” a Korean civil engineer declared. Thus there is no reason why anyone in health and strength needs to adhere [...]