A simple helmet can save your life
View(s):The number of motorcyclists involved in road accident in recent months has been high. According to the Traffic Police one of the main reasons for this state of affairs has been the failure of motorcyclists to follow repeated warnings concerning road safety measures
Over the past week ‘The Sunday Times’ captured several pictures of people riding motor cycles without any protective wear.
In most of the pictures, while the fathers and elders are seen wearing protective gear, ironically the children accompanying them on the pillion travel without any headgear.
“People do not understand the benefits of the helmets. When no traffic policeman is around many people tend not to wear a helmet. What they do not realize is that over 85% of head injuries could be prevented by simply wearing a helmet,” said Prakash Perera (33) an engineer from Malabe.

Come on dad, isn’t your son’s life also important?

Riders seem aware of the dangers of helmetless travel, but do not seem to mind the dangers facing pillion riders

Why oh why do we keep ignoring the dangers which stare us in the face?

Oh… oh! Aren’t the lives of these young children important?