Sunday Times 2
Security Council action on Gaza war crimes a non-starter
UNITED NATIONS (IPS) – When a UN panel released a 217-page report accusing both Israel and Hamas of possible war crimes committed during the 50-day conflict in Gaza last July, the chances of Security Council action were remote because of the traditional US commitment to stand by Israel – right or wrong, mostly wrong.

Shattered lives: Palestinian children look at the remains of a car that was destroyed on June 22, 2015 in Gaza City during 50-day war between Israel and Hamas-militants in the summer of 2014. AFP
Israel carried out over 6,000 air strikes killing 2,251 Palestinians, including 1,462 civilians, while the more than 6,600 rockets and mortars fired by Hamas killed six civilians and injured 1,600, according to the report.”The death toll alone speaks volumes,” said the report by a two-member panel chaired by US jurist Mary McGowan Davis and which included Doudou Dienne, a lawyer and former senior UN official from Senegal. “And the scale of the devastation was unprecedented.”
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu dismissed the report as “flawed and biased”.But at a briefing Tuesday, US State Department Spokesperson John Kirby refused to comment on whether the Security Council or the International Criminal Court (ICC) would act on the UN report.
Kirby told reporters the United States challenges “the very mechanism which created” the panel, which was appointed by the Human Rights Council, of which Washington is a member.”We’re not going to have a rebuttal to it. We’re certainly going to read it, as we read all UN reports. But we challenge the very foundation upon which this report was written, and we don’t believe that there’s a call or a need for any further Security Council work on this,” Kirby said.
Asked about a possible referral to the ICC, he said: “We do not support any further UN work on this report.” Told about the United States welcoming a similar human rights inquiry on North Korea while rejecting an inquiry for Gaza, he said: “Because we’ve long said – and you know that we reject the basis under which this particular commission of inquiry was established because of the very clear bias against Israel in it.”
The question that also remained unanswered was: if the United States thinks the report is biased against Israel, does it also mean it is biased against Hamas?”I’m saying that we object to the report,” Kirby reiterated. Asked if the United States objects to the entire report, he said “to the foundation upon which the commission was established, and therefore the product that resulted from that work.”
Michael Ratner, President Emeritus of the Centre for Constitutional Rights, told IPS that once again, as it was true in the 2008-2009 Israeli assault on Gaza, the UN Commission of Inquiry report on last year’ s Gaza war was devastating regarding Israel’s commission of war crimes.
He said 65 percent of the 2,251 Palestinians killed were civilians and international legal requirements of distinction and proportionality were ignored. ”Yes, the report also condemned Palestinian armed groups but the overwhelming majority of the crimes were laid at the feet of the Israelis. And now what?” Ratner asked.
“Once again the US, Israel’s primary war-crime enabler, ostrich-like, ignores the evidence of Israeli crimes and continues to give it billions so that more crimes can be committed,” Ratner said. ”When Israeli officials are put in the dock, US officials ought to be right in there with them. Their conduct is inexcusable,” he declared.
Balkees Jarrah, Counsel, International Justice Programme at Human Rights Watch (HRW), told IPS the ICC now has a mandate over serious crimes dating back to June 13, 2014, committed on or from Palestinian territory. Such crimes, he said, include indiscriminate attacks on civilians, whether committed by Israelis or Palestinians – including abuses during the 2014 conflict in Gaza.
The court’s prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, is currently conducting a preliminary examination to determine whether to pursue a formal investigation. With an ICC probe now possible, Israel and Hamas must show that they are willing and able to credibly investigate serious allegations, and hold accountable those who violated the laws of war, he said.
“The UN Gaza report makes clear that neither side is currently doing that,” said Jarrah. Ratner told IPS: “Again, we will see the Security Council not take any action as US vetoes are always a looming threat. But the crimes of Israel and reporting on them remain.”
The next stop, he pointed out, will surely be the ICC and this week, if all goes as planned, Palestine will submit its documentation of three sets of crimes: settlements, war crimes and treatment of prisoners. ”Israel of course will do nothing except scream that Palestine is not a state-an argument already lost,” he added.
The prosecutor can of course look into the rockets coming from Gaza into Israel as well, and it is likely that if she opens a preliminary investigation into Israel’s conduct, she will also look at the Palestinians . While there is no real doubt regarding violations of the laws of war by Israel, and how the Gaza assaults were carried out, there will be counter arguments by it about proportionality and the like, he noted.
However, when it comes to settlement activity there is no counter-argument Israel can make. It’s an absolute war crime for which there is no defence. Ultimately, the ICC to have any legitimacy will need to take on the issue, he added.
“Let’s hope for the people of Palestine the court does it sooner than later,” declared Ratner.
(The writer can be contacted at