Towards a safe and caring community

How aware are you of the world you live in? A group of 10 and 11 year olds at the Overseas School of Colombo were tasked with finding out more about some of Sri Lanka’s most important issues. The result? Nine projects on topics that varied from animal rights to poverty, with colourful art and [...]

June 23, 2015 A recent earthquake in Nepal has shifted Mount Everest and nearby mountains. In April, a devastating earthquake hit the Asian nation of Nepal. New scientific data shows that the quake was so powerful that it moved some of the highest mountains in the world—including Mount Everest, Earth’s tallest peak. When the earthquake [...]
Kids world
True Sibling Spirit When I was small I stayed lonely, Spent my life a bit sadly, All of my friends had their siblings to play, I wished I could have one of mine someday. Later on I got a Sis and a Bro, Who always fought with each other like war, They cut, chop, pinch [...]