Home » ColumnsOld habits die hard

The UPFA, we thought learnt a bitter lesson at the last election. Transporting crowds for meetings does not necessarily translate into votes. But there was no stopping it from swelling the Salgado Stadium in Anuradhapura with party workers brought in from other towns by party organisers. On the other hand, a half full; half empty [...]
President battles with his own party amid suspense and turmoil

Ecstasy and agony over Sirisena’s mes sage to the nation: UNP overjoyed, SLFP and UPFA furious For the first time party leader gets enjoining order to prevent special meeting of his party;rumours of plans to expel him Heated arguments over nominations and national list: UPFA list was handed over minutes before deadline It was an [...]
Maithri, don’t cast pearls before swine

My Dear Maithri, I didn’t think I would be writing to you again so soon but I feel I must, after hearing what you had to tell us the other day when you tried to explain to the country why you were forced against your better judgment to give nomination to Mahinda maama to contest [...]
Political uncertainty and instability undermine economic development
Political stability and economic growth are inextricably interconnected. While political stability is a necessary condition for an economy to prosper, it is not a sufficient condition. There are many other conditions besides political stability that are necessary to spur economic growth. This includes good governance, the rule of law, law and order, guarantee of property [...]
Critically assessing that ‘stunner’ of a presidential speech

Those who constantly complain (with good reason) that the Southern political dynamic disregards the sentiments of minority voters may take heart from President Maithripala Sirisena’s advice during this Tuesday’s special statement to the media. Excellent reprimand to the deluded Breaking his hitherto stoic silence and dispersing the bone-chilling suspense surrounding the internal party wrangle within [...]
Let sleeping watch dogs lie

Amidst the cacophonous politics of the last several months with all manner of charges of political malignity a body that one hoped had been overcome with rigor mortis has suddenly and almost surreptitiously come alive. Unknown to the public at large that is regularly treated to a political nadagama that is both vile and bile, it [...]
Maithripala throws the baton back to the people

If it’s always lonely at the pinnacle of power where standing room is only for one, then the presidency for Maithripala Sirisena must seem like solitary confinement in a straitjacket with the four walls closing in on him. Bereft of friends and besieged by enemies, with even the fundamental right of the 6.2 million people [...]