Home » ColumnsDrummers line up for rajapaksakariya at UPFA’s Election Perehera in August

The tried and tested bevy of drummers lined up to do their Rajakariya, or feudal duties, this year at the Rajapaksa perehera have already started beating their drums vigorously, thumping out their signature drone ‘Make Mahinda Prime Minister’ to raise the pressure on President Maithripala Sirisena to do a double somersault on his avowed stance [...]
Bombing crusade as solution to ISIS crisis

Unlike the Bourbons of France who learnt nothing and forgot nothing, British Prime Minister David Cameron has learnt a lot which he strives to forget hoping others will do too. As former Labour Party prime minister Tony Blair did, the current man at the helm would like to give a twist to history past and [...]
Maithri, you missed the treat of juicy Pakistani mangoes

Pakistan’s luscious mangoes are not just fruits to be devoured. They have long become a tool of diplomacy, delectable or otherwise. With the mango season in full swing in his country, Prime Minister Nawaz Shariff this week sent 100 choicest mangoes by air freight to President Maithripala Sirisena. It was cleared by Customs and subjected [...]
President continues ‘cold war’ with UPFA to isolate Rajapaksa

Former President becomes key issue in polls campaign, while Sirisena appoints loyalists as electoral organisers UNF proposes State Assembly comprising civil society activists instead of CC; JVP convention gets airtime from state-owned ITN Concern over discovery in Ramanathapuram, but security forces assure no room for anymore LTTE terrorism For Colombo’s state intelligence community, there was [...]
Green and grin: Say ‘Paraw’My dear Green Man,

I thought I must write to you to find out how you are faring as you go about the business of campaigning for next month’s elections. I am sure you must be an anxious man, now that Mahinda maama is also contesting and threatening to upset your grand plans for a great Green victory. We [...]
Daunting economic problems facing new government
Whoever forms the next government would have to face daunting economic problems. However, most of the 21 political parties that are vying to form a government may not be aware of the magnitude of the economic problems or have an idea about how they could be resolved. What matters, however, are the economic policies of [...]
Measuring the Maturity of the Sri Lankan electorate

If Sri Lanka’s political and legal history since independence demonstrates one fact, it is the fundamental dishonesty of those whom we elect to serve us. Even the rare exceptions to this rule have failed to emulate an Ambedkar, a Gandhi or a Nehru whose visions and dreams lifted Indian society from its depths and fashioned [...]