Hirdaramani’s Leadership Development Programme continues to support the development of employees
View(s):The Hirdaramani Group recently held a graduation ceremony to recognise employees who successfully completed the company’s 2014/2015 Leadership Development Programme (LDP). At the event, special awards were presented to high performers who excelled in the programme, and the fourth edition of the LDP was launched for a new batch of over 200 employees, the company said in a media release.

The group of employees who followed the course.
The Hirdaramani Leadership Development Programme was launched in 2012 as part of the CARE (Career Awareness Resources to Excel) platform, and aims to support the development and career advancement of employees throughout the group. The ALDP programme was initiated thereafter in 2015, to ensure the ongoing development of LDP graduates, and all graduates of the extension programme were also felicitated at the event. The ceremony was attended by the directors and senior management of the Hirdaramani Group, along with employees from all business units. T. Buddika Rathne, was awarded the ‘Overall Achiever’ and award for the ‘Best Innovation’, Mohamad Amjadh was recognised as the 1st Runner up and won ‘Best Original Idea’ whilst Mahesh Pushpakumara was recognised as the 2nd Runner up. Shanaka Fernando received the ‘Best Environmental Impact’ award, whilst Indika Nawagamuwage won the award for ‘Best Customer Centric Project’.
The Leadership Development Programme provides employees from all businesses units across the Hirdaramani Group, with the customised training they require, to become future leaders of the company. The programme has shown significant results and has impacted the career paths of the majority of its graduates. Approximately 40 per cent of graduates from the 2012 batch have obtained promotions within the workplace, and 15 per cent of graduates from the 2013 batch have also advanced in their careers. The projects implemented by the 2014/2015 batch as part of the final stage of their training, have also already yielded a quantifiable financial impact on the company’s operations.