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Sirisena continues tough stand; six new loyalists get National List seats, GL left out despite plea War of words between President and Rajapaksa over cause of UPFA defeat; CBK wants Tamils also included in National Govt. A nation watched Friday as the victor and the vanquished at Monday’s parliamentary elections pledged to form a National [...]
Ranil’s time: It’s 4 p.m.

My dear Green Man, I thought I will write to you because I am sure you will find time to read this, despite being a very busy man these days after your victory because, after all, your swearing in took only fifteen minutes! Please accept my hearty congratulations — and I sincerely hope you will [...]
No Identity Card, no vote, Mayor told

It was two trips to the Polling Station for Colombo Mayor A.J.M. Muzammil at Monday’s Parliamentary elections. On the first occasion he accompanied then caretaker Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe to the polling station at College House, part of the Colombo University along Stanley Wijesundera Mawatha, the former Thurstan Road.Mr. Muzammil produced his Mayor’s identity [...]
Formidable economic challenges for the new government

Hopefully the coalition government would provide political stability, ensure good governance and take bold economic and social policy decisions for the country’s development. President Sirisena has a critical role and responsibility in ensuring political stability and good governance. The UNP-led United National Front for Good Governance (UNFGG) that obtained 106 of the required 113 seats [...]
Finally loosening the grip of the ‘Satakaya’?

As the intense heat of electioneering gradually subsides, sober relief intermixed with reasonable wariness is reflected in the public mood this week. Uniting a quarrelsome opposition Monday’s tensely played out general elections echoes this curious combination of emotions in no uncertain terms. A deeply divisive ‘Satakaya-factor’ (a word play on the maroon shawl habitually worn [...]
Changing the tune and tone of foreign policy

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was quick out of the starting blocks. Shortly after the UNP-led UNFGG emerged as winner last Tuesday, he telephoned his counterpart-to-be, UNP leader Ranil Wickremesinghe, to congratulate him and hail the “wonderful performance” of his alliance. It might, of course, be read as a pro-forma exercise in diplomatic courtesy and [...]
You can’t hold back the dawn

The nation awakes this Sunday morning to a new splendorous dawn of hope and promise having discharged its duty faithfully and acquitted itself with honour at the this week’s general elections. Taking his oaths on Friday for a record fourth time as Prime Minister of the sixth government born under the proportional representation system, Ranil [...]