‘The Drinkable Book’ its pages can purify water

August 18, 2015 A book with special pages has been developed by scientists to help people in third world countries drink clean, safe water. All people need to do is tear out a page from the book and pour unsafe water through the paper. The paper contains small amounts of silver and copper which act [...]
Guiding Light

The Olave Award The Olave Award is “an international Award to honour the memory of the World Chief Guide, Olave, Lady Baden Powell, and to keep alive her belief in the spirit of service.” It is awarded by the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) to groups of Girl Guides/Girl Scouts who [...]
Kids Essays
Questions Unanswered Every single person has questions to ask We ask questions to make friends, to learn, to complete a task We ask them to get some answer confirmed But most of the questions still remain unanswered Where do we come from before we were born? Where does our soul go when our body is [...]

“Guess what? Guess what?” barked Chubby, jumping up and down in excitement. “There’s a new dog in our neighbourhood!” Brownie, who was having a nap, picked up his ears. “How do you know?” he asked raising his head up at once. “When I went past No. 14, I caught a new scent!” replied Chubby. “That [...]