Mirror Magazine
Healthy streak of creativity

Dushika Perera has made somewhat of a name for herself with Colombo Piñata, a business she runs with a healthy streak of creativity and an undeniable sense of fun. In a quick email interview with the Mirror Magazine, the designer and entrepreneur shared her love for creativity and surprises that led to the founding of [...]
Anula Vidyalaya Get-Together
The Annual Get-together of the Past Anulians will be held on October 2 at the Eagles’ Lakeside Banquet Hall, Attidiya, from 7.30 pm, on the theme Beehive. The theme was chosen to symbolize bees of black and gold representing the school colours and unity. All proceeds will be in aid of the much needed Gymnasium/Auditorium [...]
Bands prove their mettle at Onstage

Originally an arena for guitar-wielding, distortion heavy rock bands to prove their mettle, TNL Onstage is known for its effect on local talent. Fifteen years down the line, and many additions to the competitive rounds later, little has changed as for most ensembles which enjoy an occasional jam session being a part of TNL Onstage [...]
Julianne Moore campaigns to change name of high school

Academy Award winning actress Julianne Moore has been so successful that she could probably get her high school renamed after her. At least some people would be for it. Instead, she’s joined an effort to change the name of J.E.B. Stuart High School in Falls Church, Virginia, honoring a Confederate general, to Thurgood Marshall, the [...]