
The tournament promises to be very exciting
Mercantile shuttle tourney from Oct 10
The 32nd Mercantile Badminton Association Inter Firm Badminton Championship 2015 organised by the MBA and sponsored for the 17th successive year by Akzo Nobel Paints Lanka (pvt) Ltd. under the brand name ‘Dulux’ will be worked off at the Mercantile Badminton Stadium, Malalasekera Mawatha, Colombo 7 on October 10, 11, 16 , 18 and 23 and on November 1. Participation will be opened to permanent employees of all mercantile sector establishments that are affiliated to the Mercantile Badminton Association and the championship will be conducted in the following divisions:
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H for Men and A, B, C, D and E for Women with an event for Veteran Men and Women.
Age calculation will be as at 1st January 2015 for the Veteran Men and Women over 40 years and Women’s over 35 year events. In Men’s events a team should consist with a minimum of 4 players and a maximum of nine players. Women’s and Veterans events a team should consist with a minimum of two players and a maximum of six players. A tie will consist for Men’s event three (3) singles and two (2) doubles (best of five matches) and two (2) singles and one (1) double (Best of three) for Women’s and Veterans events.
Entries should be handed over to the Secretary, Mercantile Badminton Association, C/o Accurate Clearing and Forwarding (pvt) Ltd., Jayalath Building, No. 65/1, Nawala Road, Nugegoda on or before September 24, 2015.
For further details contact Roshan Fernando (Vice President – MBA) on 0772-442432. Entry forms had been posted to all affiliated member firms and those who had not received the entry forms could be downloaded from MBA web site - LR