The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) has invited the Capital Maharaja Organisation Ltd (TCMOL) to the World Humanitarian Summit’s Global Consultation in Geneva, Switzerland on October 14-16, in recognition of its continued efforts toward humanitarian causes. “TCMOL, which was also represented at the recent UN regional consultations held in Tajikistan, will [...]

The Sunday Times Sri Lanka

Capital Maharaja invited to Geneva by UN for global consultation on humanitarian efforts


The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) has invited the Capital Maharaja Organisation Ltd (TCMOL) to the World Humanitarian Summit’s Global Consultation in Geneva, Switzerland on October 14-16, in recognition of its continued efforts toward humanitarian causes.

“TCMOL, which was also represented at the recent UN regional consultations held in Tajikistan, will embody the sole Sri Lankan representation at the Global Consultation, in promoting private sector collaboration on emergency preparedness and response, where it will examine action areas and recommendations that have emerged from consultations that have already taken place, and showcase what can be done to influence the future,” the company said in a media release.

‘This is a significant honour to the Maharaja Group, as well as to Sri Lanka. When we embark on humanitarian efforts, we don’t do it in expectation of international recognition. However, when our work receives acknowledgement in an entirely unexpected manner, it acts as an encouragement to both the management and the staff who have dedicated their efforts to this. We are humbled to be the only representative from the private sector in Sri Lanka to receive this invitation by the UN to share our experience in humanitarian efforts. We look forward to carrying our Group’s message to Geneva and ultimately impacting lives, back home in Sri Lanka,” noted Chevaan Daniel, Group Director- TCMOL, who will represent the Capital Maharaja Organisation in Geneva.

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