The concept behind the Business and Bio Diversity Platform launched jointly with the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce in August 2012 was to create awareness among its stakeholders such as businesses to understand issues related to bio diversity. Although the project is termed as the Bio-Diversity Platform it includes a whole gamut of environmental issues as [...]

The Sunday Times Sri Lanka

Business Bio Diversity Platform works towards sustainable businesses


The concept behind the Business and Bio Diversity Platform launched jointly with the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce in August 2012 was to create awareness among its stakeholders such as businesses to understand issues related to bio diversity.
Although the project is termed as the Bio-Diversity Platform it includes a whole gamut of environmental issues as well.

“After three years we acquired 55 members to the Bio Diversity Platform of which 30 of its members are called the Patron members. These are companies that had done a lot of good work like building up of bio diversity and environmental issues in their portfolio. We also have about 25 companies which are called General Members who aspire to do good work related to bio- diversity and environmental issues,” said Shiranee Yasaratne, Advisor to the Bio Diversity Platform.

Zoology Department Professor H. Deveka Weerakoon explaining the concept of the Bio Diversity Project said that companies today are talking of the green accounting methodology that encompasses bio-diversity and environmental issues. He said for some companies it is mandatory that they adhere to environmental issues. “A mining company for instance will have to adhere to environmental laws of the country. Where the tea industry is concerned a certification guaranteeing the quality of tea for exports perhaps may be needed for exports in the future. Local companies that caused environmental pollution in the past can now seek advice of the Bio- Diversity Project to re-evaluate their business strategy. However most companies lack scientific knowledge and advice to mitigate adverse effects of environmental pollution,” he added. (JJ)

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