Popular singer and musician Keerthi Pasqual has been elected as the new President of the ‘Sri Lanka Vocalists Association’ (SLVA) for the year 2015/2016. The outgoing presiden Rohana Bogoda. Anura Senanayake was elected Vice President, Upali Perera as the Secretary, Dayan Witharana the Deputy Secretary and Rohan de Silva elected Treasurer.

The Sunday Times Sri Lanka

Keerthi: President SLVA


Popular singer and musician Keerthi Pasqual has been elected as the new President of the ‘Sri Lanka Vocalists Association’ (SLVA) for the year 2015/2016.

The outgoing presiden Rohana Bogoda. Anura Senanayake was elected Vice President, Upali Perera as the Secretary, Dayan Witharana the Deputy Secretary and Rohan de Silva elected Treasurer.

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