The Rs. 3.4 billion Kandy North and Patha Dumbara water project is at a standstill causing hardship to the residents of the area who are awaiting the supply of drinking water. It is reported that the project which was introduced in 2013, is still awaiting government approval despite foreign contractors being screened and approved. This [...]


Delay in Kandy North water project causes hardship


The Rs. 3.4 billion Kandy North and Patha Dumbara water project is at a standstill causing hardship to the residents of the area who are awaiting the supply of drinking water.

It is reported that the project which was introduced in 2013, is still awaiting government approval despite foreign contractors being screened and approved. This project involves six divisional secretaries, 19 pump houses and 33 water tanks.

The second phase of the project was initiated but residents are still waiting in anticipation that construction work will commence in the near future.

The Kandy North and Patha Dumbara water project covers a population of 407,000 and so far 25 per cent of this segment has access to pure drinking water distributed by the Water Supply and Drainage Board.

The rest are forced to fetch water from various other sources and some are served sporadically by water bowsers. Some residents of the area said they buy water and transport it in ‘googlies’.

When Minister of Urban Development, Water Supply and Drainage Rauff Hakeem took office this year, he promised that work on this project would commence — but it is still stagnating.

With the implementation of the next phase, 30,000 new connections could be given and existing water outlets upgraded, a spokesman at the ministry who wished to remain anonymous said. (LBS)

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