Police start recruiting Tamil-speaking youth in the North
View(s):A drive to recruit around 1,500 police constables from among the Tamil speaking youth in the Northern region was launched yesterday, a senior Police official said.
Senior Superintendent of Police of the Vavuniya Division Wasantha Wickremasinghe told the Sunday Times that since there has been a dearth of Tamil speaking police officers in the department to carry out official work, the police has to fill these vacancies with immediate effect.
“We are short of Tamil speaking officers in North, they will be able to serve the people very efficiently, recording complaints in Tamil,” he said.
According to the senior police official the new recruits will be given six months training after four phases of the interview process before being deployed in the Northern region.
Meanwhile at least 450 applicants showed up for the interview for Police Constables in Jaffna yesterday.
Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of Jaffna G. K. Perera said that even though there are a significant number of vacancies in the police department for Tamil speaking officers, eligible candidates will be selected through phases of interviews. “The candidates selected finally might differ.”
Interviews for the Vavuniya, Mannar and Mullaitivu districts will be held today.