Is the death sentence the answer to the rise in crime

The clamour for the death sentence is a sudden reaction under provocation, but the provocation itself is not grave and sudden to be even mitigated. The spate of crime has been rising over a period of time with no serious attempt by those accountable to contain it. Causes are many, varying, and spread over a [...]
Elephant rides face oblivion from European call to action on cruelty

Elephant rides in Sri Lanka face the ignominy of being goaded into extinction as a result of a global campaign to end this cruel sideshow of the tourism industry. A campaign called ‘Wildlife – Not Entertainers’ by London-based conservation group World Animal Protection, has so far gained the support of 82 global travel companies (groups [...]
Another book on Sri Lanka’s conflict out soon
Another foreign author has published a book on Sri Lanka’s worst- ever conflict that tore asunder ethnic relations which is being repaired very slowly. The book is to be launched following a panel discussion at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London on October 28. This book titled “To End a Civil War” by Mark [...]
A new book by Harees to be launched tomorrow
A book on the rise and fall of communal politics in Sri Lanka, Clouding the Crescent in Sri Lanka, by Lukman Harees, a UK based Sri Lankan author and social activist will be launched tomorrow at 6 p. m., at the Club House , Havelock City, Colombo 06. This book particularly highlights how the recent [...]
Derrick J keeps fans entertained
Australia based Sri Lankan entertainer Derrick Junkeer-known to all as Derrick J-kept an intimate gathering of fans happily entertained with his performance at the Galadari High Tea on October 15. Derrick also introduced young protégée Danielle Faour, 23. The duo will perform at ‘A Heritage of Song: the Concert’, today, Sunday, October 18 at 5.30 [...]
Are our National Parks sanctuaries or concentration camps for elephants?
WNPS lecture: The idea in creating protected areas is that animals will find refuge there and lead a sheltered life, free from the detrimental impacts caused by humans. A large segment of the protected area network of the Department of Wildlife Conservation was set up specifically for the conservation of elephants. However, all is not [...]
University of Colombo alumni felicitates new Vice Chancellor
The Alumni Association of the University of Colombo held a special ceremony to felicitate newly appointed Vice Chancellor, Professor Lakshman Dissanayake, at the College House of the University of Colombo on Thursday, October 15. State Minister for Education Mohan Lal Grero, the Chairman of the University Grants Commission Prof. Mohan De Silva and over a [...]
Lions club marks international twinning programme

A ceremony was held to mark the international twinning programme organised by the 306B2 Lions Club -First Vice District Governor Lion Nimal Senadheera MJF and Lion Hemakumara Gunasekera and the Biyagama Lions Club at the Ekala Ramrich Hotel. 12 Lions Clubs from Sri Lanka and 12 from India participated in this twinning programme. The Chief [...]
Russian ballet teacher Oxana Karnovich here
Russian ballet teacher and choreographer Oxana Karnovich is currently visiting Sri Lanka to conduct examinations for students of the Russian School of Ballet and Dancing. Ms. Karnovich will conduct workshops and various teaching methods to enhance the students talents at the Russian School during her stay in Colombo. Ms. Karnovich is a ballet teacher of [...]
Losers are winners even in the British parliament, lawmaker laments
It is not just in Sri Lanka that discards regain political power and the trappings. The UK Parliament, where no applause is allowed, (“hear, hear,” is in order) also has a revolving door, it seems. And the system of back door entry for rejects appears to have been handed to Sri Lanka by the British [...]
Testing Putin in Syria

NEW YORK – There has been no shortage of scrutiny of what Russian President Vladimir Putin is up to in Syria and why. Much of the analysis, though, has been narrowly focused on the short term and may be too negative in assessing his actions’ likely long-term consequences. What we know is that Putin has [...]
DNA fingerprinting: A tool for the Post-Modern world Sherlock Holmes

The use of DNA fingerprinting in criminal investigations is no longer a scene from the hit TV series CSI. In many countries DNA fingerprinting is used as a tool in routine criminal investigations. DNA fingerprinting profiles of criminals are maintained in a centralised record system for easy identification of the suspects. Though this technology has [...]