Sunday Times 2
Embracing classical musical culture
A recent press briefing held at the BMICH Committee Room E to announce the Pandit Amaradeva Felicitation 2015 turned out to be something extraordinary when the music legend W.D Amaradeva acclaimed for his unique classical music style was called in to address the press briefing. He made no long speech but started singing the familiar Sasana Wasana Thuru. Being 87-plus obviously has not deprived him of his captivating golden voice.

Golden voice: W.D Amaradeva, acclaimed for his unique classical music style, addressed the festival press briefing by singing the Sasana Wasana Thuru. Pix by Athula Devapriya
Come December, there will be yet another opportunity to listen to him when the Amaradeva Foundation, which is at the forefront of sustaining the work of this legend, presents the Pandit Amaradeva Felicitation – a musical festival featuring his concert- Sasara Wasan Thuru together with a classical resonance concert by renowned Indian and Sri Lankan musicians. The felicitation programme scheduled to be held from December 5-8 will include a classical music concert by Pandit Amaradeva on December 5 (on his 88th birthday) at the BMICH, two classical music workshops by Indian musicians Pandit Anindo Chatterjee and Shri Purbayan Chatterjee on December 6, 7 and 8 at the Indian Cultural Centre (ICC) followed by a classical resonance concert where the Indian artistes joined by some of the prominent names in the local music scene such as Ravibandu Vidyapathi, Upula Madhushanka, Aruna Siriwardane, Rakhita Wickramaratne on December 8 at BMICH. The workshops conducted at ICC from 9a.m to 5 p.m are free of charge will have eminent Indian artists giving their outputs in their respective instruments -the tabla and sitar.
Addressing the media briefing Ranjana Amaradeva, son of Pandit Amaradeva and Director of the Foundation said the Sasana Wasana Thuru programme was started few years back with the objective of preserving Sri Lanka’s classical music industry shaped by Pandit Amaradeva.
The concert, he said, was started based on Pandit Amadeva’s thinking that, in order to inculcate an interest in classical music among the people, showcasing classical music of high standard, is important. Ravibandu Vidyapathi who commended the efforts of the Amaradeva Foundation said that, the objectives of the Foundation in organising the programme are two fold – as much as to felicitate this great maestro and preserve his music, the Foundation aims to establish a fan base of classical music lovers in Sri Lanka.
“Regular listening to classical music will help us embrace the classical musical culture,” he explained. The concert, the orgnisers say, will be a rare treat for the classical music lovers and Amaradeva fans, while the workshops will be immensely beneficial to the students of classical music.
More inquires regarding the event and workshops can be obtained via 0714421366 or 0756239352.