Comedy stage play “Horu Hondai” directed by Ananda Athukorala will be staged at 3.30 pm and 6.30 pm on November 29, today at Ape Gama, Battaramulla. The play stars Rodney Warnakula, Ananda Athukorala, Anusha Dissanayake, Suranga Satharasinha, Damayantha Perera,Indika Jayasinha, Shiromika Fernando and Nelka Nishani. Musical score is by Kapila Gamage, stage management by Ravi, [...]

The Sunday Times Sri Lanka

“Horu Hondai” at Ape Gama


Comedy stage play “Horu Hondai” directed by Ananda Athukorala will be staged at 3.30 pm and 6.30 pm on November 29, today at Ape Gama, Battaramulla.
The play stars Rodney Warnakula, Ananda Athukorala, Anusha Dissanayake, Suranga Satharasinha, Damayantha Perera,Indika Jayasinha, Shiromika Fernando and Nelka Nishani.
Musical score is by Kapila Gamage, stage management by Ravi, Geeth and Chanuka, the lighting by Wasantha Kumara and the drama is organised by Sanath Kumara and the play is enacted in aid of providing musical instruments to Hungamalagama Vidyalaya at Dehiaththakandiya.

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