Every day of 2016 must be a Human Rights Day

No class of persons should be denied the rights that are enjoyed by others in the same society in like circumstances. Where is the reality here as it is now one year since the sweet promises we were given of social justice and equality in last year January? Marginalisation and denial of rights concerning most [...]
Accountability for policing remains in abeyance
The police function is an essential component in the rule of law and is the most important link in the Criminal Justice System. Hence the question as to who is accountable for the Police function is of paramount importance. Under normal circumstances the Inspector General of Police (IGP) obviously would be held accountable for the [...]
Are employers ready to respond to employees’ eldercare needs?
It is a well-known fact that globally we are an aging society. Sri Lanka is no exception. Recent studies show that the aging population in Sri Lanka is expected to increase from 1.7 million in 2001 to 3.6 million in 2021, and will comprise 16.7% of the total population. By 2041, one in every four [...]
India looks out

NEW DELHI – Today more than ever, to paraphrase the poet John Donne, “no country is an island entire of itself.” India, too, has recognized this, becoming fully integrated into the world economy by way of trade in goods and services, as well as flows of capital, technology, and ideas. And, of course, India’s uniquely [...]
Reforms require urgent implementation to deliver quality education for all in Sri Lanka

“Time is a merciful friend, time is also, a merciless enemy”. – Mahathma Gandhi 1. Rationale Thus, the article intends to encourage and stimulate policy and decision makers in the current government to take timely action, so that delivery of quality education for all can make rapid progress during a five-year period mainly through adjustments [...]
How Lanka is taking care of patients with spinal cord injuries

It was the story of how Sri Lanka is building up a comprehensive care system for patients with spinal cord injuries that kept the eminent audience riveted at the 75th Platinum Anniversary Sessions of the Association of Surgeons of India (ASI) in Gurgaon, New Delhi, on December 17. The signal honour of delivering the guest [...]
FGLF is round the corner: Watch out for these writers, events

Amitav Ghosh, Sebastian Faulks, Meera Syal, Sonali Deraniyagala, Tom Holland and Gregory Pardlo- they are all going to be here this January for the Fairway Galle Literary Festival along with a host of other writers, poets and artistes who promise a veritable feast of literature. With barely a week to go before the 2016 Festival [...]