‘Skin-prick test’ that reveals all

A drop of liquid is plopped onto the forearm, a tiny scratch made with a lancet and then there is a wait of about 15 minutes. In some, the itching begins soon after along with a slight redness. As the minutes tick by there appears a bump. The verdict is crystal clear — this person [...]
Get a dose of healthy Passion

Passion fruit…the name is misleading as it is not the kind of fruit that is known to evoke any passion or even impact on any emotion when eaten, but takes its name from the curious shape of its flower. This versatile exotic fruit got its name from the South American Catholic missionaries, who believed that each [...]
To Sir with love – Inspiring teachers

Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero – Seize the present; trust tomorrow e’en as little as you may – Horace. It was December 25, 1939. Britain was at war with Germany. It was a tradition that the monarch addressed the nation on Christmas day. King George VI was broadcasting to the nation from Sandringham Castle. [...]
The ‘season’ of tiny bugs is upon us

The Christmas and New Year celebrations are over but the ‘season’ of the tiny bugs persists. “Influenza has been doing the rounds, like it usually does since November but don’t be fearful,” urges Consultant Virologist Dr. Jude Jayamaha. For he leads the ‘flu-busters’ of the National Influenza Centre based at the Medical Research Institute (MRI) [...]
Make gratitude the new attitude for 2016
“The test of all happiness is gratitude.” G. K. Chesterton We know for certain that stress can steal our emotions and health,often leaving us less patient, irritable, and with frequent headaches. But there is a simple solution to stress, and it only involves giving gratitude. Giving gratitude is more than saying thank you. Studies have [...]
Physiotherapy unit for aches and pains

Chronic neck, back and knee pain is widespread around the world due to bad posture, incorrect usage of hand-held mobile devices, ergonomics at workstations and at homes, unstructured exercise or the lack of it, uncomfortable driving positions and even bad eating habits. Neck, back and knee pains have been classified as a common problem, with [...]