The futile attempt by the king

King Rajasinghe then retreated as he was not prepared to face them. He also meant to save himself from the insult he would have had to face. The king pointed out to them, the injustice of a trip of this nature, as they were violating the terms of the peace treaty they had made with [...]

Firefighters come to the rescue of the general public during a hazardous fire. This is one of the main emergency services provided 24 hours, free of charge. Firefighting involves first aid fire appliances to more advanced systems. First aid fire appliances are the primary equipment used at the first instance of a fire. When the [...]
Kids Essays

My school trip to Nuwara Eliya On July 28, 2015, we went to Nuwara Eliya. We departed from school and went in buses from Yamuna Tours. We travelled by road. When we went through the mountains, we saw many green plains. Firstly we went to the Ambewela Farm. We saw cows eating grass in the cow [...]