Remember Consy Goonatilleke who makes damson fruit wine and wine vinegar? This creative lady is constantly trying out new things such as ‘leafy sculptures’ (creating with various kinds of leaves), and red clay accessories. Her latest addition is ‘palm prints’ that she will exhibit at today’s Kala Pola at Green Path. The creations are random [...]

The Sunday Times Sri Lanka

Creations at the touch of her palm


Remember Consy Goonatilleke who makes damson fruit wine and wine vinegar?

This creative lady is constantly trying out new things such as ‘leafy sculptures’ (creating with various kinds of leaves), and red clay accessories.
Her latest addition is ‘palm prints’ that she will exhibit at today’s Kala Pola at Green Path.

The creations are random prints of her palm and fingers applied on to a sheet of paper and decorated with a few lines, a few shades of colour , she explains.

Recalling what motivated her to do palm print paintings, Consy says, once while painting she applied some paint on her palm and sealed the print on to the drawing.

Seeing how well it fitted in her work, she added a few more and realised, she could create beautiful compositions out of that. Her first palm print painting- a ‘baby in the womb’ was something that she fell in love with, says Consy.

“When I started this, I did not have the slightest idea of doing a painting of a baby in a mother’s womb, but as I continued to put palm prints on a sheet of paper, I figured what I could create.

Palm prints: Consy Goonatilleke’s latest venture

Then it was just a matter of drawing a few lines,” Consy says adding that using this method, she has drawn indigenous Americans, fish and landscapes, etc.

Adding that the paintings need not be necessarily the artist’s palm print, Consy says for those who wish to get a personalised painting done, she can create the drawings using their own hand prints.

Painting had been a childhood passion for this 72-year old retired teacher who has held several exhibitions in countries such as Japan, Singapore, Korea and Scotland with the support of her husband who passed away recently.

In addition to having a Fine Arts Diploma, Consy has also followed an interior designing course in Japan. She has an art gallery at her residence at No 50, Katuwawala Road, Maharagama parallel to the damson wine and wine vinegar- making venture she runs.

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