When JR threatened to pull out of the UN

UNITED NATIONS – When the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution by an overwhelming majority implicitly critical of Britain-and urging the British government to negotiate its long-simmering territorial dispute with Argentina over ownership of Falkland Islands – Sri Lanka was one of 12 countries currying favour with the UK and voting against the resolution back [...]
Misinformation in the media playing havoc in the country

A spate of misinformation in the media, including on-line media, is playing havoc in the country. No doubt there have been far too many incidents of violence, and the Police too are allegedly involved in several of them. One would even conclude that there is no law and order at all in this country. Yet, [...]
Taking issue with black money in Sri Lanka

With the advent of the new government under President Maithripala Sirisena and the coalition government, there is no gainsaying that the government is having a difficult time managing the economic situation the country is facing. It is also a well known fact that the incumbent government has to settle many debts as well as pay [...]
A payment plan for universal education
DAVOS – The Sustainable Development Goals, which the international community adopted in September, include a commitment to provide every child with access to free primary and secondary education by 2030. Finding the additional $20 billion per year, or more, that will needed to deliver on this commitment is one of the central objectives of the [...]
Golden jubilee celebrations for Kalutara lawyer

Independence, integrity and impartiality are among the qualities that judges should have, Supreme Court Judge Priyasath Dep P.C said this week. Addressing the golden jubilee celebrations of senior lawyer Siri A. Perera at the Kalutara Bar, Justice Dep reiterated the importance of the role judges can play to ensure the independence of the judiciary. He noted [...]
‘The Dictator’ comes to Lionel Wendt
Ralahamy is at it again. The last time this character of H.C. N De Lanerolle’s conjuring entertained an audience with his preoccupation of becoming Ceylon’s supreme dictator was in October last year at the Punchi Theatre in Borella. Next Sunday, veteran director Namel Weeramuni will take his production of ‘The Dictator’ to the Lionel Wendt. [...]
‘Flickering fortunes’: Growing up in old Ceylon
“History with its flickering lamp stumbles along the trail of the past, trying to reconstruct its scenes, to revive its echoes, and kindle with pale gleams the passion of former days.’ This quote from Sir Winston Churchill explains why understanding history is not always easy. Cold, hard facts on a history textbook cannot describe the [...]
Book launch
Representative British Council Director Keith Davies with Rohan Ponniah, Ranmali Mirchandani and Rajiva Wijesinha at the Evening of English Poetry held at the British Council in tribute to former British Council Representative Rex Baker. Prof Wijesinha’s account of 50 English poets, published by Godage & Bros, was launched on this occasion with readings of the [...]
Lecture on ‘Parenting Horizons’
An Islamic lecture on the topic “ Parenting Horizons” for both ladies and gents, will be delivered by Ash Sheikh Mufti Yoosuff Hanifa (Abu Umar) on February 5 and 6 commencing at 8.00 pm at the MICH Hall, No. 7, Lily Avenue, Colombo 6.
First International Orthodontic Conference to be held in Colombo
The first-ever International Orthodontic Conference will be held in Colombo from February 4-8, with many renowned orthodontists from all over the world participating. The inauguration of the conference on the theme, ‘Vistas in Orthodontics’ will be on February 5 at 6.30 p.m. at the Galadari Hotel. The eminent speakers at the conference, organised by the Sri [...]
‘Anagarika Dharmapala and India-Sri Lanka Relations’
‘Anagarika Dharmapala and India-Sri Lanka Relations’ will be launched on February 11 at 3.30 p.m. at the Senate Hall, College House, University of Colombo. Dr. Sarath Amungama, Minister of Special Assignments will be the chief guest and Deputy High Commissioner of India Arindam Bagchi will preside at the luanch. The book published by the Centre for [...]
Health in Lanka: After MDG, prescription for SDG

Consultant Venereologist Dr. Iyanthi Abeyewickreme was inducted recently as the new President of the Sri Lanka Medical Association (SLMA) for 2016 at a ceremony held at the Hatton National Bank auditorium in Colombo.Here are excerpts of her speech based on the theme, ‘From MDGs to SDGs — Moving from Millennium Development Goals to Sustainable Development [...]
Traffic cops switch off traffic lights and create mayhem

Motorists breathed a sigh of relief when traffic light systems were installed at virtually all major ‘junctions’ or intersections both in and around Colombo and even in many major cities some years back. Most sane motorists were willing to trade-off slight delays at such intersections due to ‘traffic lights’ as it ensured some semblance of [...]