Home » ColumnsChanging face of North: Region growing faster than any other

With rapid development, the evils also come; North a hub for Kerala Ganja, liquor consumption on the rise Div. Commander transferred after exchange with Mangala over Geneva issue Review Group wants Army committee to monitor implementation of the UNHRC resolution amid fears of action against top brass JAFFNA: The thundering roar of a MiG-27 engine [...]
Jauntily hopped sides

My Dear Sarath, I thought I must write to you to clarify certain statements that you have been making from time to time. That is because some people say that you have become just another politician, while others say that with advancing years, you seem to be losing your marbles! I will try and explain [...]
How ‘official’ was the President’s ‘State’ visit to Germany

In the Foreign Affairs Ministry corridors, the talk is on who was responsible for a blunder during President Maithripala Sirisena’s four-day visit to Germany. Was it a “state” or an “official visit?” If one is to believe Karunatilake Amunugama, a one-time Chief of Protocol, a key player in the Foreign Office during the previous Rajapaksa [...]
The IMF facility and fiscal sustainability critical for economic stability
The IMF facility that the government has requested is absolutely necessary to resolve the current balance of payments difficulties. It is however only a palliative, not a solution to the fundamental economic problems. The government must use this assistance to address the fundamental economic problems. It is especially necessary to reduce the fiscal deficit. Failing [...]
The ‘Lackey’ tag and a prime minister’s anger

These are curious times indeed. Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa and his supporters who treated the Sri Lankan media and the legal system as their family hunting ground are struggling to emerge as newfound libertarians. We witness with enormous skepticism their ‘strutting and fretting’ on the political stage to protect the propriety of appointment to the [...]
Missing historical significance of journey to Germany

When the media first announced that President Sirisena would be paying a state visit to Germany it was said that this would be the first by a Sri Lankan Head of State in 43 years. How wrong that was! Other news media, particular the plethora of websites that exist today, picked up the news item [...]
Basil comes in from the cold to build MR’s nest on SLFP branch

Basil Rajapaksa has been out in the cold for some time but when the heat is on and the family sweat begins to flow from every pore, blood not only becomes thicker than water but turns viscid to become sticky syrup hard to remove. It’s time for the prodigal sibling to return home to the [...]