Reviving an image – Police reforms an absolute necessity

Policemen the world over are rightly assessed on how they act in the streets and it is the higher echelons in the Department who are held accountable for their performance and conduct. They are under intense fire in recent times for indiscipline, high handed or boorish behaviour, alleged involvement in politics and extra judicial activity. [...]
Blessings of Navam Perahera: Prelate speaks out on elephant issues

A perahera is a blessed and sacred event. On a Navam Poya Day, the Lord Buddha appointed his two chief disciples. The Navam Perahera is held on this day to invoke blessings on the country for happiness, peace and success. Many have forgotten the economic hardships we faced in the 1970s. Peraheras in Colombo were [...]
Hearing impaired children get head start at Early Learning Centre
The Amaliya Early Learning Centre is an early intervention center for hearing impaired infants and young children up to five years of age was re-launched recently. It is a non-residential, private and non-profit organisation located at No.18, R. A. De Mel Mawatha, and Colombo 5 and provides an opportunity for deaf children to learn to listen [...]
Sri Lankan Independence Day celebratation in Qatar
Sri Lanka’s Independence Day was celebrated in Qatar with that country’s Cultural Minister Salah bin Ghanem Al Ali (left) and Assistant Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Mutib Al Rumaihi (right) joining Sri Lankan Ambassador W.M. Karunadasa in cutting a cake to mark the occasion. Also present was Ibrahim Fakhroo, Director of Protocol at the [...]
National Trust launches book on flowering plants

The latest publication by the National Trust of Sri Lanka -the book ‘Grown in Sri Lanka: cultivated flowering plants’ by Sriyanie Miththapala, Janaki Galappatti and Siril Wijesundera will be launched at the HNB auditorium, HNB Towers, Colombo 10 on Thursday, February 25 at 6.15 p.m. The book describes flowering plants that are commonly cultivated or [...]
Editors’ Guild of Sri Lanka welcomes Commonwealth Media Trust official

The Editors’ Guild of Sri Lanka hosted a dinner for visiting Commonwealth Media Trust official Ian Beales last Thursday at the Colombo Swimming Club. Mr. Beales, former Secretary of the British Editors’ Code has visited Sri Lanka several times and assisted the Guild in formulating its Code of Professional Practice (the Editors’ Code) and in [...]
“Dozen Group” donates gifts to National Cancer Institute
“Dozen Group”, an association formed by twelve (12) friends in 2012 with a view to help the people in need and enhance social service activities and recently gifted several items to the National Cancer Institute, Maharagama with funds it raised. The Group donated equipment and linen to the value of a sum of Rupees five [...]
Will “Uma Oya” come to Colombo?

A news release by Nihal Rupasinghe (NR) Secretary Ministry of Megapolis in the Sunday Times of December 27, 2015 on the subject of “Colombo Flood Control System” was both confusing and unbelievable to a simple engineer like myself who has devoted more than 30 years of my life time and money on the same subject [...]
When is fighting corruption worth it?By Bjørn Lomborg

COPENHAGEN – Some $1 trillion was lost to corruption last year. This is money that was not available for expanding health care, broadening access to education, improving nutrition, or cleaning up the environment. According to Transparency International, 68% of the world’s countries have a serious corruption problem, and no country is completely immune. Corruption is [...]
How Boutros-Ghali battled US arrogance at the UN

UNITED NATIONS, (IPS) – Boutros Boutros-Ghali, who passed away Tuesday at the age of 93, was the only UN Secretary-General (1992-1996) to be denied a second term in office because of a US veto in the 15-member Security Council. The US, which preaches the concept of majority rule to the outside world, exercised its veto [...]
Islam versus Islam: Understanding the Middle East conflict

LAHORE – Turmoil has seized much of the Muslim world. In Syria, a brutal war has already taken 250,000 lives, displaced half of the country’s 21 million people, and sent a million refugees to Europe seeking asylum. In Yemen, the Houthi tribe has risen up against the government, and are now facing Saudi-led airstrikes. Conflicts [...]
Gamani Corea wouldn’t touch top UN job even with a bamboo pole

Dr. Gamani Corea, an imposing figure both intellectually and physically, was one of the first Sri Lankans to hold the rank of Under-Secretary-General (USG), the third highest ranking position at the United Nations, after the Secretary-General and the Deputy Secretary-General. A former senior Deputy Governor of the Central Bank and Permanent Secretary to the Ministry [...]
How Germany helped Lanka’s tourism industry
I refer to the excellent article written by our former Ambassador to Germany Mr.S.B Atugoda (Sunday Times feb.14) on Sri Lanka – German relations. He may not have had enough space to highlight the contribution Federal Republic of Germany or FRG (West Germany) made to the Sri Lanka’s Hotel industry which employs hundreds of thousands [...]
HK immigration red faced after Indians denied entry bolt into city
Immigration officers in Hong Kong have been left red faced this week after two young Indian males who were refused entry at one of the busiest rail stations in the Kowloon district bailed out of a train and bolted on foot. They have yet to be tracked down. The Indians ran away along the rail track [...]
Can mindfulness be measured?

The interest in mindfulness has grown exponentially in recent decades. Much research has been done in using mindfulness in therapies for psychological disorders. Mindfulness has also extended into other fields such as education, sports, law, and business as a means of improving achievements. Mindfulness is a construct explained in the Buddhist exposition of the mind. [...]