Bright ideas come to life at Hub 9

Charitha Rasaputra and Angelo Portier own an advertising start-up. When they’re not getting LED light-fringed sign boards fixed on tuk-tuks, they’re at office with others who have similar bright ideas.

There’s a full scale meeting going-on in the conference room when we drop-in at Hub9 down Park Gardens Colombo 05. A floor beneath the engrossed t-shirt and jeans clad convening, we spot yet another huddling around a computer screen, the Buzzbird banner behind them.
Unless you’re with the same enterprise the prospect of opening your laptop one desk away from a software designer or freelance writer or both isn’t one that’s taken-off. “In places like Malaysia and Singapore it’s free” Charitha says, much faith and support is extended for any casually shared idea if it shows promise. Arriving in the country 8 months ago, “the co-working spaces we found here are very expensive,” he notes, in a sense defeating the purpose.
Hub 9 is the answer Charitha, Angelo and Fazi Benjameel have for the country’s stagnant infrastructure in support of entrepreneurs, which is a natural side-effect of “the 30 year war.” At Rs. 7,500 per month you pay for desk-space to work on ideas in air-conditioned comfort, free internet and the invaluable input of a like-minded few when you hit a roadblock. “Think of it as a mind-share” we’re urged by Charitha some of whose work is also a product of co-working spaces abroad.

Selling ideas to potential investors is tough, but explaining the logic behind Hub 9 can be tougher we’re told. It takes a little convincing for people wrapping their thoughts around the fact that there’s no profit.“Our internet bills alone are over 20K,” Angelo shares. Generating just enough to cover costs, the visionaries have a more long-term, broad goal in mind which isn’t of fiscal nature. Hoping to incorporate networking events, plans also include connecting successful senior entrepreneurs “who are interested in giving back” to those at hub9 for advise via email if they need it.
Based in Holland, Angelo who qualified as a sound engineer knows the weight access to lessons from experience can bear. “I have a piece of paper” for technically mastering his art, but “those who started-out” working in the field carry immense life lessons while soaring through the ranks. Investing here among friends and family is a means not only for believing in the country’s potential but also of feeding his passion for kick-boxing he shares. If you’ve been inspired, “even at 3am you can come in and work.”
Around for three months, the response “has been too much, actually” but the team continues to maintain a nominal fee, taking on board those working on solid ideas with the capacity to contribute to Hub9’s symbiotic culture.
A new wing is to open-up soon however and spots are to be made available for rent. “If you’re doing interesting stuff,” as Charitha puts it and need a place to do it, you know where to look. For more information log onto