Live Parrot Story

(For Amara, Lakshna, Layla and Nayantara) Pethammah made steady progress over Monday and Malar was delighted that she was able to feed herself. It was clear that she was partial to the papaw fruit. This also meant that Malar could get on with some of the work that needed doing in the house! Pethammah’s mother [...]
Ella Disenchanted

The Theatrical Extravaganza ‘Ella Disenchanted’ presented by the Senior and Junior English Literary Associations of Devi Balika Vidyalaya went on the boards on February 12, 2016 at the BMICH. Pix by Priyanka Samaraweera
Sports meet of Lindsay Girls School

The sports meet of Lindsay Girls School was held on February 11, 2016. Pix by Indika Handuwala
Kids Essays
Homework – a nightmare Homework literally is the work given from school to do at home. Many teachers give their students homework. There are many advantages and disadvantages of homework. Many children dislike homework mainly because they don’t have any free time to have a break when they come home after a tough day at [...]