Raising the bar for the local cinema industry

Young director Daevinda Kongahage’s debut movie, ‘Bhavatharna’ (Crossing Sansara) was adjudged the Best Film at the 2015 Delhi International Film Festival recently and ushered in a new era in the local cinema industry. Born in Colombo he spent his time between Colombo and Kandy. A Trinitian and a Royalist, Kongahage was exposed to both politics [...]
Severely warned
“Silence!” The mudliar shouted. The judge sat in his seat and looked at the case files piled up for the day. “Hendrik Appuhamilage Nandawathi Subasinghe.” The mudliar shouted again. A middle-aged but good-looking woman wearing cloth and jacket stood on the deck. “My lord, this woman was found loitering in the streets at 12.30 a.m. [...]
Postive space for free expression

The 80 club was loud for a Sunday, last week. Drum sticks and open guitar cases sat propped against the few empty chairs as bands lined-up to perform at the first event of its name – “Sundown Jam.” To call it just another concert, is to miss at least partially, the point of Devinda Amarasuriya’s [...]