Home » ColumnsWho is responsible for the economic crisis?: Twofold increase in foreign debt 2010-14

There have been plenty of accusations and counter accusations on who caused the current economic crisis. The government accuses the previous government and the previous regime accuses the new government of causing the economic crisis. This politically biased debate is not based on economic facts and figures. Statements on both sides of the political divide [...]
The ‘Ides of April’ and the absence of governance

Sri Lankans were blithely reassured this week by President Maithripala Sirisena that they need not fear the Ides of March anymore, taking into account the annual critical focus on the country by the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC). But in truth, this claim is unduly optimistic. Reducing of the ‘yahapalanaya’ brand If the concerns [...]
Crucial talks with IMF as Govt. grapples to avoid financial crisis

Hopes of agreement before April 10 as PM goes to China with top ministers, appeal likely to write off loans Tax chief’s circular on new rates withdrawn, not an April fool’s joke, but on Finance Ministry order Delay in local polls gives more grassroots support to Rajapaksa’s group, while Sirisena’s position gets weaker The Government [...]
Keeping a trek ever green

My Dear Long John, I thought of writing to you to find out what exactly is going on because there are so many stories about you these days, much more than at any other time of your political career and we do not know what to believe and what not to believe. I hope you [...]
ETCA: A taste of bully brothers

Here is food for thought for promoters of the Economic and Technology Co-operation Agreement (ETCA) between India and Sri Lanka. A Sri Lankan businessman was invited by an Indian outfit to talk about the settlement of a claim he has made. A committee of four was appointed to go into the matter. After hours of [...]
Culture commissars and the Talibanisation of society

As usual I made my regular ‘pilgrimage’ to Colombo for the annual Royal-Thomian cricket encounter. Besides meeting old friends and school mates now domiciled in different parts of the world, it is an opportunity to recount tales of yesteryear and listen to new ones as camaraderie is renewed at the “Mustangs” that holy of holies [...]
Without a candle to light their hopes, in their darkness they curse their foes

Only those with the wound know the pain. Though it may be easy and come naturally for the vast majority of Lankans to condemn the odious practice of cursing one’s enemies, spare a compassionate thought for the once privileged few for dabbling in the black art of magic in a desperate last resort bid to [...]