Tri-lingual Easy-Readers

This tri-lingual series of books is written for children by Gratian Prize winning author Madhubhashini Disanayake Ratnayake. They are written with many objectives in mind – to provide simple reading pleasure to children; to make Sinhala, English or Tamil more accessible to them; to make children understand and appreciate some fundamentals of good behaviour like [...]
Science & Technology Fair
The Annual Science & Technology Fair, organized by the Science Society of Lyceum International School, Wattala held on February 26 and 27, 2016, showcased the inventions of 1500 students from Grade 6 to Grade 12. Pix. by Anuradha Bandara
My school

My school is Zahira College. It is situated in Maradana. It is one of the first Muslim schools in Sri Lanka. It was founded in 1892. My school is a boys’ school. There are 13 grades in Sinhala, English and Tamil mediums in our school. Our school principal is Mr. Trizvy Marikkar. My school colours [...]