Staying on track

When a team from the University of Moratuwa embarked on a mission to build a racing car-from scratch-they didn’t exactly know what they were getting into. Almost two years and two batches later Team Shark is well on their way to debuting the first formula student racing car built by a group of university students [...]
Everest Trek blog: Crossing Khumbu Icefall

Jayanthi Kuru-Utumpala and Johann Peries who are gearing to summit Mount Everest have already begun their journey – here in a short description they describe the progress they’ve made as conveyed through their support team in Colombo. The Khumbu Icefall is at an altitude of 5,486 metre (17,999ft), and it is between Everest Base Camp [...]
He was music and he wrote the songs

The end of the voice behind the “Purple One” was sudden and it took the whole music world and fans alike by surprise. Standing at only 5.2 ft, the icon Prince went away suddenly on April 21. His fans were in a state of shock when the news broke. But it all turned out into [...]
Game of thrones returns with more twists

Jon Snow is really dead, but after months of hysteria no one seems to care anymore. This week, Game of Thrones kicked off its sixth season. Fans have been going crazy because we have finally come to the moment when the show outpaces the book and we get a glimpse of what’s coming up. And [...]