CSE and CFA ring ‘Opening Bell’ in support of ‘Putting Investors First Month’
From left: Dinesh Warasuvitharana - Treasurer CFA Sri Lanka; CSE COO Renuke Wijayawardhane; Murtaza Jafferjee - Advocacy Chair CFASL; Sanjay Kulatunga - President CFASL; CSE Chairman Vajira Kulatilaka; Chanakya Dissanayake Vice President - CFASL and Ms. Vindhya Jayasekera - Secretary / GIP Chair CFASL
The Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) and the CFA Society Sri Lanka jointly held a special market opening ceremony on Wednesday in support of the “Putting Investors First Month” campaign, as a to call attention to the needs and rights of investors. The ‘Putting Investors First Month’ is a month-long global initiative focused on promoting the needs and rights of investors.
A central focus of the campaign is the Statement of Investor Rights, which investment management professionals are encouraged to share with their clients and communities. The list applies to financial products and services such as investment management, research and advice, personal banking, even insurance and real estate, and is intended to help investors demand that financial professionals abide by these rights. The document includes rights that investors are entitled to expect such as objective advice, disclosure of conflicts of interest, and fair and reasonable fees.