Soulful sounds of Jesse

Jesse Gamage, is a self-taughtsinger-songwriter born in South London to Sri Lankan parents who emigrated in the late 70’s. He managed to find his feet playing at “open mic nights” at live music venues around London for all most 12 years, which helped him develop his smooth and soulful vocals with a warm melodic sound. [...]
Breaking the Karmic Cycle

On June 4, Nilan Maligaspe and his troupe of dancers from the Arpeggio Creative Dance Academy will return to a familiar stage, but on a different footing. The academy will present “Breaking the Karmic Cycle”, a retelling of the early life of the Buddha told in contemporary and ballet dance form. For Maligaspe, who embarks [...]
Dressing up for your next music festival

Music concerts and festivals in Sri Lanka are more common now a days with many international artists visiting our beautiful island. People of all ages have started to enjoy these musical events and are always looking forward to the next fiesta! Coachella 2016, the international music festival where many celebrities attend concluded recently. So this [...]
Annasi and Kadalagotu Literary festival returns

The Annasi and Kadalagotu Literary festival returned over the weekend. This year saw the event being extended to two days. Firm favourite writers and authors’ attended as well as some new exciting faces. Book launches were held with a range of workshops for travel writing, journalism, poetry, blogging, scriptwriting and even a class on the [...]
Azealia Banks apologises for twitter rants

Meghan Trainor fell on her back as she was concluded performing her new song ‘Me Too’ on Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show last week. Trainor was wearing six- inch heals shoes at the time as she attempted a spin falling backwards to the floor. The 22 year old did not suffer any injuries but apologised to [...]