Hockey in the lurch — who is responsible

R.D. Wickremasinghe (Assistant Sports Director – Department of Sports Development)
Due to several issues in the hockey administration, it has ended up in courts. Due to this hockey is run by the department of sports development. Director General is the person in charge. The hockey in Sri Lanka, now is administered by the Director General, Project officer and myself. We only selected a team dispatched to the world league. Now there are results from that. Now there is a opinion, that due to the action of Ministry of sports, the game is getting improved. Now there is a request from schools and clubs for us to get involved and improve the game of hockey in Sri Lanka. To develop the sport, it is the sole responsibility of an association. But presently we can see that there is no such responsibility. Also we can see one thing-the previous officials of the administrations has taken joy rides to overseas, but no improvement to the game as a whole”.
Nimal Etipola (Former national women’s coach and international referee)
“ The present standard of Hockey in Sri Lanka have dropped dramatically. But I have to say that Men’s national hockey team, after their impressive performance in the first round of world league, their rankings have climbed. Their play has improved. The local tournament’s for women is not sufficient. If we have many local tournaments, our women can really come up in Asia. Presently due to the defunct hockey administration, embattled with legal issues, the game of hockey has no progress. Due to this legal issues, and no administration to overlook the game of hockey in Sri Lanka, the task has been taken over by Ministry of sports. The veteran hockey administrator’s has no place. Also some administrators are holding high posts in Asian level, but they have not contributed anything to the development of hockey in Sri Lanka. Also we see a dearth of hockey umpires. This is due to the reason of having less hockey tournaments in Sri Lanka. If we have a long term plan in Hockey, definitely in two years time, we may be able to rise and climb the rankings in Asian circuit.”
Anuruddha Bandara Herath (National Head Coach men’s team and former national player)
“If we have a long term, we may have a good path in the Asian circuit. We have neither progressed nor gone backwards. The obstacle Sri Lanka hockey faces because there are no international tournaments and test series. Many other countries in Asia has progressed fast, because they conduct test series every four months. Then the sport get improved. The other main issue is, we don’t have grounds for hockey. Today we have astro turfs in Colombo and Matale two each and in Kandy one. In the decade of 60’s, Republic of Korea was way behind us. But now they are in the first five in Asia. If we produce professional players on a long term plan, we would be able to end up in the first four in Asia”.
K. Jayaweera (Owner of a Boutique, Kiriberiya, Panadura)
“My favourite sport is cricket. But I watch all sports. As a boutique owner, I don’t have time to watch matches. But I used to close the boutique, when the Sri Lankan cricket team plays a game. I have never watched a hockey game live. But I have seen our boys playing really in the world league. Today hockey is limited to one area. I was born in the south, Deiyyandara, Matara. But I have never seen or heard, a hockey game being played in the south. But I think it is a beautiful sport to watch. If the game of hockey is administered to a plan, surely it can rise and on par with game of cricket.”
Indrawansa Herath (Assistant Principal –S.Thomas’, Matale/ international hockey referee and former national player)
“The game of hockey has dropped. The main reason, I see is less tournaments at school level and non-participation at international level. As T20 tournaments in cricket, by conducting Hockey 7’s, it has dropped the standard of hockey! All we can see today is Hockey 7 tournaments. From 14 minutes play at hockey 7’s, it is not possible to select a talented player. In 1970’s, Sri Lanka was placed 4 or 5 in Asia. Also since 1987- 29 long years, no foreign hockey team has visited Sri Lanka. For the last two years, no junior or national hockey tournaments has been held. Now hockey tournaments are limited to schools in Matale only. Today only the Mercantile sector holds hockey tournaments to a plan. As the tournament is limited only for banks and companies, other players are not eligible to play. During the recent world league, our players showed the way how success can be achieved. For the current status in hockey, there is no responsible person.”
Tamara Darmakeerthi Herath (Financial Consultant, Private Sector)
“The dynamics of the game of hockey has changed to be a much faster and power based game consequent to the introduction of an artificial playing surface. Endurance, power and speed training is the corner stone for success in today’s game. In our time the game was more depended on the skill of dribbling. Today Australia, and many European countries have moved ahead of the Asian countries.
The heavy financial investment involved in the construction and maintenance of hockey playing fields, has had an impact on developing countries, with Sri Lanka as no exception with only two synthetic hockey fields, one in Colombo and in Matale. Investment in additional playing turfs at least in provinces were we have the critical mass of players will be beneficial.
It is also important that we have an “ongoing” national development pool and a high performance national pool, with the participation of committed and talented local coaches.The technical guidance from one of the top hockey playing countries will be of immense help. Further,Investment in players welfare is vital, in order to ensure regular participation and their mental and physical well being.
The men’s hockey has shown much progress in recent times, whilst the same cannot be said for the women’s hockey.
Further, it is imperative that we provide our players adequate international competition. In view of the heavy investment required for the national team to travel out and undertake adequate test matches with other countries, the option of collaborating with sports tourism organizations with a bid to promote established clubs from the top 10hockey playing nations to visit Sri Lanka and play friendly encounters with our national team may be considered to fill this gap.
During our time in the 70′s, many foreign teams visited Sri Lanka and the girls had a reasonable amount of exposure.
Our players have the talent and the commitment, it is up to all stake holders to harness it. I wish them every success”.
Perumal Vishvanadan (Former vice president of Sri Lanka Hockey Federation)
“Today the game of hockey is defunct. No administration. No Plan. We don’t participate in many international tournaments. But remember we have talented men and women’s players. Sri Lanka can proceed in a successful journey in hockey in Asia. But due to non participation in international tournaments, we cannot improve in our game. We stale in the same position. From the outcome of the South Asian Games( SAG ) and in world league, We can assess the standard of hockey in Sri Lanka. Our men’s team showed their true potential in the world league. Our women’s team, showed what they are lacking, after playing in the world league. We have not progressed in the game of hockey or gone backwards. Due to the present inefficient administration, we are in the same status as before. If we don’t take immediate action to overcome this situation, the game of hockey will face a slow death.”
Sanjeevani Peries (Executive, Sampath Bank)
“I am not a hockey player. I am a former national and international netball player. Apart from netball, I follow on other sports as well. Though we have talented hockey players, to get best out of them, we don’t have an administration! If we have a correct plan in game of hockey, it can end up in the third place following the footsteps of Cricket and Rugby as a team sport!
Our players showed their true potential, in the recent world league first round. Due to the defunct administration, the game of hockey and players had to pay for it. The officials must be aware that due to their greediness for the posts, that has ended up in courts, the game of hockey is in total ruins now. And also the hockey players, for not having a clear cut direction, they make no progress but ended in stale. Why are these officials going to the courts? Question is, is it due to love of the game here or due to greediness of the posts. As outsiders what we can observe is, it is due to greediness!. I hope Ministry of sports, will get involved in the game as soon as possible and solve the present situation “.
Eric Hulangamuwa (Former Sri Lanka schools captain of 1979)
“The game of hockey in Sri Lanka is no more. For a hockey player to come on top, there is no much local tournaments. In our school period in 1960’s and 1970’s, we had four tournaments covering four age groups from under 13 to under 19. Apart from this, the district associations of Matale, Kandy, Badulla, Colombo and Jaffna, conducted separate tournaments. The school players, get their chance to play in district tournaments and from this, they get selected to play in the nationals. Due to this it was easy process to select good players to the national team. Today we only have a under 19 team at school level. From this only, talented players are selected to the national team. There are no club tournaments. Only Matale have few clubs such as Malwatte, Vijaya, Youth, Park and old Zahirians. It is very hard to find sponsors for the tournament. After all, when selections are done for the national team, out of the 18 selected players 15 are from Matale. If somebody says, there are no sponsors for hockey it is a lie. If the officials are keen definitely you can find sponsors. The officials who fight for the posts, only want one thing- to travel abroad and fill the posts at Asian Hockey Federation ( AHF)”.