Commodore Boyagoda’s story: A quiet voice amidst the noise of war

In ‘A Long Watch’Commodore Ajith Boyagoda reflects on how the story of the Sagarawardene, the ship of which he was captain, was a story he had read, long before it was one he told. Commodore Boyagoda was the highest ranking prisoner detained by the Tamil Tigers during the civil war. He spent eight years in [...]
Extract from the book Prologue

Nowadays I introduce myself as a retired naval officer. I don’t say more than that. People search my face, puzzled. ‘Haven’t we met before?’ I mention my name and they feel sure we have. ‘It’s such a familiar name; I know your face; where did we meet?’ If they won’t drop it, I say, ‘maybe [...]
Al-Nakba day meeting on Thursday
The Embassy of Palestine and the Arab Ambassadors Council of Sri Lanka has organised a Nakba Day ceremony on May 26 at the Sports Ministry Auditorium (Race Course) in Colombo to commemorate the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their villages 68 years ago, days before the creation of Israel. Representatives of all [...]
Kandy Kidney Protection Society appeal
Kandy Kidney Protection Society appeal Vesak is a time of ‘giving’. The Buddha himself said that ‘Give, even if you only have little’. At this time of year we see many people organising ‘dansal’ in every corner of the country. This story is also about ‘giving’, but quite different from what we see and hear most [...]
A baby coming in from the cold

There is an air of expectancy and excitement in a home in Amparai. Even though housewife Kala* and husband Raj* go about their routines, the yearning is for October to come around. For on the 25th of the tenth month of this year, they will experience the joys of parenthood. While the couple await their [...]
Focus on mind: World psychiatrists to meet here
It will be all to do with the mind which not only governs our mental condition but also guides our emotions and behaviour. Local and foreign experts will gather in Colombo next weekend to ponder issues linked to the mind over five days during the 13th Annual Academic Sessions of the Sri Lanka College of [...]
Over 45kg free baggage allowance on Kuwait Airways
Kuwait Airways has increased its free baggage allowance for passengers travelling from Colombo to 46 kg from 30 kg earlier, the airline said in a media release on Wednesday. The new baggage policy is named “Baggage made simple” under which all its routes are now operating on a piece concept basis. Economy Class passengers will [...]