Fighting the toxic sludge
View(s):While floodwaters have receded in many areas, the people of Meethotamulla in Kolonnawa continue to face immense hardships in cleaning up their flood-damaged homes. Several roads in the area still remain underwater, more than a week after the heavy rains caused devastation.
Residents in Nagahamulla road are not willing to take any more chances, and many have sandbags at the ready to keep the waters at bay, should they suddenly rise again. The misery of the people of this area has been compounded by the garbage from the nearby dump that has mixed with the floodwaters, turning the water into a toxic black sludge. This sludge continued to be visible in many areas this week, despite attempts made by residents, using water hoses, to remove it. The weak drainage system, which contributed to the floods, is still a grave concern as much of it is still blocked by garbage.
The water has caused great damage to roads in the area, leaving gaping holes in some places where water has collected. Residents also complained that construction work on certain roads, which, after years, have yet to be completed, was also contributing to floods in the area.

Devastation: Naghamulla Road

Toxic black sludge: Kolonnawa garbage dump

Ready: Sandbags are stacked outside a gate

Ongoing construction sites contribute to flooding

Overflowing drainage pits in the middle of the road

Blocked drains are a great concern

Cleaning houses near the garbage dump