Think of the children

Surangi de Alwis
‘Oba yuwathiyak wana dina mama pas godak pamani. Duwe! Eya paganna!’ wrote popular journalist Premakeerthi de Alwis in a note to his daughter Surangi when she was young (“when you are old enough to understand, I will be dead and you should still prosper and live successfully”.
Premakeerthi had been afraid that he would not be able to witness his daughter growing up. Surangi’s book ‘Duwakage Kandulu’ touches on this and tells the story of her life growing up with her mother, only meeting her father a few times a week as her parents were divorced.
Speaking at the press conference organised by publisher M.D. Gunasena on May 13, Daya de Alwis, Surangi’s mother, stated that she was happy that Surangi found a way to ease her pain through the book. She was proud of her daughter, she said, but did feel that there was another side to the story. Surangi credits her mother with always being her pillar of strength and Daya said she was happy that Surangi felt that way.
In his speech, TV and radio presenter Nihal Wickrama Edirisooriya said that even though the book is named ‘Duwakage Kandulu’, it was not just about Surangi’s tears but her life. He wished Surangi good luck, adding that he was happy about her journey as a presenter and currently as a writer.
Popular television broadcaster Kingsly Rathnayake, also a good friend of Surangi’s, shared a thought provoking view that people spend a lot of money on getting married but do not think much of what comes after.
Saman Priyankara, who was instrumental in persuading Surangi to share her feelings and write a book, felt that every man who becomes a father should read this book to understand the pain children go through when parents part.
Author Surangi said that her sole intention in publishing the book was to get people to think about the children who are affected when their parents have marital issues. She felt that not enough attention is given to the emotional needs of children, and by writing the book, she hoped people would think about the children who are caught in the middle when their parents divorce. “If even one person reads this book and thinks about the message which I wanted to give, then I can be happy that I have achieved something,” she said.
Views expressed by members of the audience also pointed to a consensus that Surangi’s book helps people understand what it means to be married and gives a valuable message to the public.
‘Duwakage Kandulu’ by Ruchira Surangi de Alwis is available at the M.D Gunasena bookshops, priced at Rs. 275.