View(s):Treachery: Violation of faith or betrayal of trust?
Truth always hurts but the truth always sets a guilty conscience free. The present regime of the people was brought into power by the people for the benefit of the people. The election pledges were many and for the sake of good governance major political parties supported the cause of driving away a corrupt totalitarian regime to ensure that there would be no repetition of the failings and corruption of the previous government.
A pledge was made by the President and Prime Minister of this present regime to bring to justice those who stole the people’s money during the last regime. I use the word stole because that was the word used by the President and Prime Minister and a number of others who supported them. Many were the accusations levelled by different political groups and associations against a cor rupt government; the people were told that there was enough and more evidence against the corrupt regime and that once that government fell, those responsible would be hauled before the courts of justice and punished. I suppose if there was evidence of corruption those accused would have been sent to jail by now. Therefore I presume the accusations have been false and malicious with intent to secure power. If that be so then the people have been betrayed, by none other than seditious people.
It is sad and disgusting to know that today a single politician cannot be trusted for the simple reason that if, the present President and Prime Minister who came as redeemers of a nation, cannot be trusted to deliver their election pledges, no one else could be believed, for the same people continue under different skins. The promise to bring down the cost of living is but a dream for the people who are compelled to eat the same packet of lunch every day, but the living standards of those in power seem to escalate with more luxury vehicles and living quarters. There is absolutely no difference between the earlier regime and the present government, other than the fact the earlier ones hid all their nefarious activities while the present openly indulge in luxury living.
Every Province was promised development that would be in keeping with the local resources! Big car factories were to be set up within a few months after they came into power. Foreign aid as usual flows into the country, but the poor remain poorer than before while the rich, whether guilty of offending the people or not continue their life’s journey in security and comfort. The poor are in dreamland while hoping that one day they too may be able to enjoy Disneyland.
Those guilty of deceiving others are treacherous, deceptive and not to be relied on. Would treachery be an appropriate word to describe the present government that promised the people of this country justice, freedom, low cost of living and better standard of living? The country at large was told those responsible for criminal offences and misappropriation of public funds would be brought to justice immediately and all corrupt officers would be removed from office. Have the aspirations of the people been fulfilled? NO!
George Abeyewickrema
Via e mail
Hats off to you the people
I remember it was not too long ago when the tsunami struck it was the masses that got together and did what they had to do long before others followed suit.
So once again the public have shown their mite by rallying around and doing whatever they can to help our flood and land slide victims sans, power, creed and religion.
Special thanks to the forces who have toiled to the best of their ability especially in the land slide affected areas not giving thought to the risks they had to face.
Private and national TV channels did a great job in helping the flood victims and are still doing so with the help of the masses.
It goes without saying that as usual there were a few politicians who did their number in order to get mileage for themselves which is really shameful. But at the end of the day what goes around comes around.
So all in all, hats off to the general public for coming forward and helping out during this time of need in.
There is a silver lining in that dark cloud above after all.
Lathefa Hannan
Colombo 5
Well done Jayanthi, we are all proud of you
A Sri Lankan lass, Jayanthi Kuru-Uthumpala’s feat in reaching the peak of the world’s talent mountain is remarkable.
Facing very harsh weather conditions in the bitter cold she walked up a tricky path, to ascend Mount Everest.
She reached the top on May 21, Vesak Poya Day – and displayed the National Flag making all Sri Lankans feel proud.
She is an asset to our country.
Upali S. Jayasekera
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