OSC Primary Projects Exhibition

The Grade 5 students of Overseas School in Colombo presented their Primary Years Programme (PYP) Exhibition on May 31, the culmination of many months of research, analysis and team work. This year’s central idea was “Through active citizenship people can make a difference when confronting inequality or injustice within their community”. Topics covered included women’s [...]
Thanthirimale Aloka Pooja 2016

It is 13 years since Wijeya Newspapers Group initiated the Aloka Pooja or lighting up of the Thanthirimale Stupa and other buildings in the complex. At the event, held from June 18 – 20, about 450 school children were presented with uniform material, books and stationery, while the teachers also received school clothes and stationery.
Kids Essays
My Appachchi, My World My Appachchi is an amazing person. He loves me very much. He works really hard to keep our family happy every day. He says he became the happiest man in the world when he found out my mother was carrying a baby girl in her tummy. So now, I am the [...]