It was supposed to be solemn occasion as flags were unfurled to honour three key participants – the two teams and the body that the game represents. However the home team’s sport flag was missing and hectic arrangements were made to get one. Ultimately a digital flag was obtained but when it was unfurled it [...]

The Sunday Times Sri Lanka



It was supposed to be solemn occasion as flags were unfurled to honour three key participants – the two teams and the body that the game represents. However the home team’s sport flag was missing and hectic arrangements were made to get one. Ultimately a digital flag was obtained but when it was unfurled it was found that only a part of the flag was visible. Who could be responsible for this blunder?


The principal of a school, who at one time was an official at a leading sports administrative body, had drawn up a regulation that budding athletes should not take part in sports activities that are not conducted by recognised sports organisations. However now that he is not at the earlier post, he has no objections in allowing the students to take part in sports activities not conducted by recognised bodies – specially wimming. Why this change?


A top sport in the country are at panic stations thinking that the Human Rights group, who had earlier disbanded another sports body for not conducting their affairs, specially the AGM, properly. They are wondering whether they too will have to join the bandwagon as well. In that case will the AGM of this sports body too come under the hammer?


Two important sports events are to be held on the same day putting the participants in a debacle wondering in which one they should participate. Now that the Rio Olympics are not too far off these events are of utmost importance as they could be considered as trials as well!


The latest trend is to have training camps in the outstations so that the sportsmen and women can concentrate on the work to produce better sportspersons. This lady, who was in charge of such a camp, had sacked the cooks who were working in the camp for an incident. The result was that those who were attending the camp had to be without food for two days until matters were settled.

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