Warnakulasooriya and Ranasinghe top the list
Sri Lanka Air Force (SLAF) Colours Awards for the years 2014 and 2015 was held under the patronage of Commander of Air Force, Air Marshal Gagan Bulathsinhala at the Eagle’s Lakeside Banquet Hall. Corporal W.D.B. Warnakulasooriya, a prominent figure in cycling and Corporal R.M.S.J. Ranasinghe, one of Sri Lanka’s top athletes, won the ‘Vartharasa Trophy’ for the most outstanding sportsman and sportswoman respectively for the year 2015. Flying Officer R.M.C.S. Rasnayake and Corporal W.K.L.A. Nimali who excelled in athletics, bagged the Flight Lieutenant Priya Abeyweeragunawardana Trophy for the Most Outstanding Sportswoman for the years 2014 and 2015 respectively.
Chief of Staff of the SLAF, Air Vice Marshal Ranil Gurusinghe, members of the Board of Management and all senior officers present at this grand ceremony which honoured 560 sportsmen and women in 28 sports disciplines. The No.26 Regiment Wing SLAF Base in Katunayake and SLAF Station in Colombo were awarded the Vernon Rajapaksha Trophy for being the Best Unit in Sports of the year 2014 and 2015 respectively. The outstanding Sport of the Year which is honoured by the President Air Force Sports Council Trophy was awarded to Women’s Athletics in 2014 and Netball in 2015 and Men’s Cycling in 2014 and Athletics in 2015.
The Most Dedicated Sports Personality of the Year was presented to Warrant Officer D.U.T.A. Jayantha Kumara (Manager Boxing) for 2014 and Master Warrant Officer H.M.C. Abeyrathne (Basketball) for 2015 while Lac A.M.A.P. Aththanayake and Lac A.L. Kaluarachchi were awarded with the ACM Harry Goonetilleke Trophy for the Best Rugby Player of the Year in 2014 and 2015. The SLAF Colours Awards Ceremony is an acknowledgement of the achievements of sports personalities of the Air Force. These achievements are the outcome of commitment, sacrifice and sweat of all stakeholders in the sphere of sports disciplines in the SLAF. - SP

26 Reg Wing 2014

2014 Cycling Team

2014 Fly off RMCS Rasnayaka (Athletic)

2014 Vartharasa Thropy Cpl Warnakoolasooriya WDB (Cycling)

2015 Men's Athletic team

2015 Vartharasa Thropy Cpl Ranasingha RMSJ(Athletic)