Home » Columns“Yahapalanaya”- What’s in a name when it’s more of the same, that was

By Chandani Kirinde- Lobby Correspondent There is no mistaking the “yahapalanaya” Government is going down the same path as the previous regime, with political cronyism once again becoming a priority for those serving in the present administration, while the interests and sentiments of the general public take backstage. A blatant example of this distasteful trend [...]
UNP-SLFP marriage of convenience: Temporary licence to be solemnised for five years

President Sirisena furious over Rajapaksa march and other moves by Joint Opposition; cases against former ruling family to be expedited PM announces new unity plans in Parliament; two top-level committees appointed to strengthen ties and speak in one voice “Abandoned ” properties at Malwana, Matara likely to be taken over; questions over Basil’s admission to National [...]
Coaching the opponent
My Dear Murali, I am writing to congratulate you on your appointment as a spin bowling coach for Australia for their series against Sri Lanka. You must be feeling fantastic because you have been recruited by the same country which labelled you a ‘chucker’ and tried to ‘throw’ you out of the game for good! [...]
Pilots won’t freeze: Cold war with SriLankan bosses intensifies Strict check on issue of diplomatic passports

The Government has strictly regulated the process for the issue of diplomatic passports after the previous administration issued a large volume of these travel documents to those who were not entitled to them. Now, applications for such passports will be scrutinised by a committee headed by the Secretary to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Others [...]
What’s happening to the real economy this year?

The foci of economic discussions this year have been on the balance of payments crisis, the IMF facility and its conditions, the bond issue, controversies on taxation, especially the increase in VAT, and the impact of BREXIT on the economy. These macroeconomic concerns and the country’s external financial vulnerability have been the dominant economic issues [...]
This ‘barking and biting system’ of injustice
Seasoned observers who grimace at the Government-led frantic activity that is manifested now on constitutional reforms to transitional justice cannot be blamed beyond a point. Charades of Justice For those familiar with the country’s travails, these are predicable patterns of behaviour. Cycles of devastating violence are interlaced with periods of almost frenetic absorption in whatever [...]
Biswal’s dreams just pretentious prattle

So Nisha Biswal, the US State Department’s point person on Sri Lanka, says that Sri Lanka could be another Singapore. That will be the day. If after six visits to the country in 20 months she has still not grasped the basics of Sri Lanka’s socio-political culture and mores, the lack of respect for law [...]
Will the next US president be the devil in disguise?

The world is in serious trouble for superpower America has just fallen down a manhole and is in deep sewage. For today this nation that boasts freedom of choice as her testament of faith and offers her people a thousand different branded potato chips to choose from plus another two thousand different tomato sauces to [...]