Wasantha Aluvihare elected MHA President

Wasantha Aluvihare, President
Wasantha Aluvihare, state Minster of Agriculture and MP for Matale was unanimously elected the new president of Matale Hockey Association for the period 2016 – 2018 at its annual general meeting. Wasantha Aluvihare is a product of Trinity College Kandy. He represented his alma-mater at Cricket, Rugger and Athletics. Incumbent secretary U.L.M Latheeb was re-elected as the general secretary with Indrawansha Herath National player and international umpire coming in as the Treasurer
The office bearers for 2016 – 2018: President – Wasantha Aluvihare, Vice Presidents – M.D Ranasinghe, A.J.M Farrook, Sujeewa Godaliyadda, P.K Aluvihare, Diluka Weerasooriya, Secretary U.L.M Latheeb. Asst. Secretary: Palitha Wasalage, Treasurer: Indrawansa Herath, Asst. Treasurer: C.K Gunapala, Committee: R, Jayaweera, Z.M Harees, Sarath Jayathunga, J. Wimalasooriya, S. Bogoda, Saman Aluvihare, A.M.M Lafeer, P. Gunawardena, R.Wickramasinghe, N. Dunuweera