SLADA to scientifically test ayurveda medicines given to sportsmen
The Sri Lanka Anti-doping Agency (SLADA) beginning next year will check on ayurveda concoctions given to sportsmen and women in a move to eradicate doping in sports. Chairman, Dr. Seevali Jayawickrema said SLADA will have its own laboratory where all ayurvedic treatment given to sports persons will be tested for any banned substances. He said concerns have arisen over ayurvedic treatment following some sports personalities, including well known rugger players and cricketers, being tested positive for performance enhancing drugs. It was alleged that these players were administered the drugs unknown to them.
Dr. Jayawickrema said the medical records of these sportsmen show they had taken ayurvedic treatment for ailments including muscle and ligament pulls. It is suspected that some ayurvedic concoctions are mixed with steroids and other western medication to provide quick relief to patients. In addition whey proteins sold in gyms to sport persons will also come under the microscope. Dr. Jayawickrema said supplementary food will be tested to determine whether any performance-enhancing drugs had been added to the powder. However, he said, SLADA lacks legal authority to regulate gyms in the country.
He said that gym instructors need to be educated on the harmful effects of banned substances mixed in food supplements. As whey protein is not grouped under pharmaceuticals it is important that the product be classified and brought under scruitiny. “Internationally this is not classified,” he said. Meanwhile Prof. K.K.D.S. Ranweera, head of the Ayurvedic Research Institute dismissed the allegations regarding ayurvedic concoctions as baseless, adding that the institute will extend their fullest co-operation to SLADA to conduct scientific tests.